Sunday, August 20, 2023

a little help ride

 At left, Joe E, one of the helpers.

The prediction was for a great day, so I posted a ride from my usual start to the Blawenburg Bistro. I set a limit of fifteen... which was full by Friday, then a couple of people cancelled, then it filled again, then people cancelled...

I went on a ride yesterday, and two of the riders asked if they could come along even if the ride were full. I had no idea it would be this popular! 

When I got home, I saw that Eric H, one of my regulars and another club leader, who had been closed out of the ride, had posted a "same as Jim's ride ride" with a few spots, so I was able to tell the guys on my ride from yesterday that they could sign up on his ride.

And when I woke up this morning, I'd received a message from another regular asking if I could squeeze him in. I'd had a cancellation overnight, so I registered him myself and let him know to come along. (For registration, I require the registrant's name and cell, and the name a cell of an emergency contact. I keep a list with all those items for about 50 or 60 of my regulars, because of course I do, so I can register them myself if I need to.)

(And yes, club members with a little imagination and investigative work, can figure out how to register other members for rides.)

So, oh my stars, I was gonna have twenty for this ride, thanks to helper Eric H leading the "goin' along with Jim" ride. I looked at the registrants, and saw that some of them were far faster than I... so I called in a favor offered by Joe E (picture at top); he would lead the faster riders, and I would ride with the slower group, with Dave H sweeping.

At the start:

It worked out well. Eric started off the ride hammering; the fast riders took off after him; Eric slowed down to a manageable pace, and the fast folks disappeared over the hill. We came upon Joe a bit later when he needed a Torx bit, and then he went off to catch his fast folks again. Meanwhile, those of us maintaining a more civilized pace* continued along until we met up with the speedsters at the Blawenburg Bistro.

(*Note that "a more civilized pace" is a relative term. I was one of the last coming back to the start, and my average was outside the C+ range. I go with the group; as best I can: when they're all fast, we go at their rate; when I have riders who ride in the C+ pace, we make sure they don't ride alone.)

So my gratitude goes to Joe E, Eric H, and Dave H, for the special help they gave me running this ride... as well as to all the folks who came along. I can do these rides alone, but it's different.

And less fun, generally.

Ride page.

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