Sunday, July 23, 2023

the primal forces are apparently appeased

 I got lucky with that picture of Joe E.

Between other commitments and rain on, like, every Sunday, I haven't led my usual Sunday ride in over a month. So when I heard that the clouds were finally parting, I took my cue from Noah and sent out the dove, and when he didn't come back, I posted a ride over my usual roads and a stop at Sweet Gourmet for today. (Sweet Gourmet may be taking over from Blawenburg Bistro as a favorite stop, if for no other reason than the fact that Sweet Gourmet's schedule of closings is more convenient.)

I had nine takers, most of whom were regulars, so apparently I haven't been completely forgotten after all the weather and whatnot.

I got my usual variety of abilities among my registrants. We let those who want to, ride off the front and wait at the turns; others are content to maintain the published pace. I try to make sure nobody's left alone in the back (with the help of the excellent Dave H, who not only sweeps, but provides coaching and tips for the folks near the back), and my average was in the C+ range (you can see on the ride page).

This route goes along Amwell Road for a distance, and then crosses Amwell Road two or three times. Now, back in 2015, I had a dispute with the goddess of Amwell Road, and she wound up getting the better of me. So now, each time I take a ride on or across Amwell Road, I try to appease the goddess, or at least get her to take me instead of any of my riders, and I frequently warn my riders of my dispute. 

This time, though, we traveled and crossed without apparently engaging her attention. I owe her an obeisance.

I didn't get pictures there, but we also travel on Homestead Road, which has hills that are worth complaining about. I don't do Strava, but I made a segment of Homestead Road on my RideWithGPS account, strictly so I could call the segment, "I hate Homestead Road". Some of my fellow riders apparently agreed with me.

We stopped at Sweet Gourmet in Montgomery.

On the way back, we rode across the one-way bridge on Dead Tree Road. Now I, myself, don't have history there, but fellow rider Tony G does; a year ago, he was dragged off his bike and into the water (some say it was a bridge troll, but I think it was a water nixie who was upset that he had a prettier bike than she did. Nixies are renowned for jealousy.) As has been his practice on every ride he goes on, that crosses that bridge, since that occurrence, Tony got off the bike and kissed the bridge.

The practice is apparently effective; he's been safe ever since.

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