Wednesday, July 12, 2023

new gps ride


 My bike GPS is no longer reliably talking to the computers through the USB cable, and it's apparently decided that the setting choices I made are optional. I have a lot of respect for free choice and alternative lifestyles among humans, but none for appliances and devices (and this thing is far too limited to be an artificial intelligence, so we don't have to even consider that "but what if..." rabbit hole). 

So I got a new GPS, the Garmin* Explore II. It's recently come down about 1/6 in price, which suggests there's a new device on the horizon... but, after my year-end rant about affordability in cycling, do you really think I give a hang about that?
(*Spelling corrected after pointed out by J-M F)

It was just delivered, and I had an opening to go on the Team Social Security ride today*, so I had a chance to test it, while riding with some people I like, but don't see frequently enough, as well as faces I haven't met, or see too seldom.

*Sometimes I don't go because the ride is full before I get a chance to register, but more often it's because I have other stuff going on. Who knew retirement was going to get so busy?

They get two rides at different paces that go out of the same location at the same time. The team of Bill B and Lynne W led/swept the C+ ride, and that was the one on which I'd found the open spot. Lynne mentioned she planned to maintain a (shall we call it "regal"?) pace, and I resolved to stay in the back. (I was only partially successful; I got talking to a couple of people at different times, and found myself looking in my mirror at Lynne and her co-riders way back there... I did better at maintaining my pace as the day went on.)

On this hot day, Bill had chosen a route with a stop at Emery's Blueberry Farm. It's largely a sunny route, so Lynne's choice of pace was smart.

And, of course, new GPS klutziness: I did have a problem shortly before the stop, and wound up with two entries for today's ride: the first bit, and the remainder. (I've since learned the way to fix the problem I had, which is to ignore it for half-a-minute or so, and then tap the screen. I've also learned that this GPS slightly under-reports the climb, but that accuracy is less important to me than the routing.)

At Emery's Farm:

While at the stop, one of the members (who might be described as a "politeness-free zone", although some think of the person in other language) suggested I point out that lycra, the material of which most of our shorts are made, does get transparent after a period of wear. The tact-free zone member did not mention a name, but if you were on the ride, you may want to examine your gear.

And back we came. On the way back, we got separated into a faster and slower group, and I was grateful to ride with the slower. And at the end, Bill and Lynne provided WATERMELON! I thought it was a great idea.

And that new GPS? Now it's time to actually RTFM.

(Yes, I actually do read the manuals. I really AM that geeky.)

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