Wednesday, February 26, 2025

that the music might be freed


Back when the world made sense, over two decades ago, the cassette machine and the speakers for my home stereo system (remember those?) died at about the same time. The Excellent Wife (TEW) and I moved to a new home in North Brunswick, and I never set up the stereo system. When we moved to this home about a year ago, we moved in the LP's and cassettes, even though we had no hardware on which to play them. 

We plan to stay here as close to forever as possible, and, finding myself with a little unallocated time and money, I got some speakers, and assembled what I could of the stereo system. With a bit of finagling, I found it worked. I had a caucus with TEW, and we came up with a stand that was agreeable to both of us. It arrived; I assembled it today, and set up the system.

 I don't have the cassette player yet, but I've been playing some of the neglected records. And there's something telling me that the records feel like they've been freed from prison, or resurrected after a coma, or something, and are relieved and delighted to be able to sing freely again.

I know I'm out of my mind. But I've got a cassette deck on my Amazon list, for purchase after the next set of checks comes in. The cassettes are jealous now, and complaining.

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