Sunday, February 23, 2025

good ride, but the fox hunt pics didn't come out


That was the best of a bad lot of pictures I took of a fox hunt we came across on the ride today, as we went through the Assunpink.

Tom H emailed a few of his Insane Bike Posse about a 30-ish-mile ride he wanted to do today, as temps wouldn't be quite as frigid as we've had, week after week this winter. Despite my poor performance last week, I decided to try again (I was hoping that the workout last week would have started to get me in shape for this riding season).

Four of us came out: Tom and me, and Peter G and Heddy. 

 (There's a fox hunter in red, off in the distance, on that last one.) Tom had a mostly flat, 32-mile route out of Etra Park, and now that I'm living in Monroe, if I'd had reasonably good bike legs, I'd have ridden to the start and turned off when we got near my house... but I knew I wasn't ready for that.

Tom was right: it wasn't as cold as it had been, and, while there was little conversation on this ride other than at stops (at least for me), it was a companionable ride. I kept up well through the stop at the Wawa at Woodward Road and Route 33. (I say stop: it's true we did stop there, but we did not actually enter the store, neither for purchases nor for plumbing.)

 I was riding fairly well, especially compared to the miserable time I'd had the week before. In fact, I was even able to take a pull into the headwind that inevitably developed in the last third of the ride. 

I finished with the group, and thanked them profusely for having gone easy on me. I wound up with an average speed of 14.1, which is good for my age and condition, and the earliness in the season.

None of youse will actually check it, but here's a link to the ride page

I'm feeling a bit less like I'm going to have to give up the bike and pick up a crocheting needle instead.

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