Saturday, August 3, 2024

hot, humid, maybe the wrong ride for me

Tom H invited a few of us on a pickup ride today.

 47-ish miles, some on either side of the Delaware River between Lower Makefield and New Hope on one side, and Lambertville, Pennington, Amwell on the other. We started at the Yardley Park-&-Ride, near which is the most excellent public potty:

I didn't recognize it, and had to have it pointed out. It was remarkably air-conditioned, and local knowledge indicates that, when appropriate, it is heated almost too well. (For yours truly, who's more accustomed to plastic buildings for this sort of thing, it was an apex of luxury.)

And, because this was a Tom H ride:

Did you get out in this today? Oh, my stars, it was hot and humid. I had a hard time breathing, even before we got out of the parking lot. Oddly enough, once we were underway, it became easier to breathe... but as the day went on, and the temperature and humidity rose, my performance dropped.

(It didn't help that we went across my most-feared intersection: Rocktown Road at Route 31. I didn't review the route closely enough; if I had, I likely would have made another decision. I got across [or I wouldn't be writing this now], but I generally make a practice of voiding that if I know it's planned.)

We stopped at Luminary Coffee in Lambertville, in the place of the old Rojo's.

 I never really found my legs after the stop, even though we'd already done the worst of the hills. The last five miles, along the river in Pennsylvania, was a slog.

Ride page.

In subsequent discussions with The Excellent Wife (TEW), we've brought up the possibility that ling, demanding rides are better planned for late spring and early fall, and, in these dog-days of global warming, perhaps we ought to admit that the climate has changed, and plan less-demanding rides in this nearly-toxic heat.

Or maybe I just need a chance to whine.

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