Sunday, September 15, 2024

a tough one, and a better one

 Today's September 15. I'm not going to write much about yesterday's ride, except to say that it was forty-ish miles with far more climb than I was ready for. A rider who was on that ride, as well as on today's, was joking that I was climbing like Pantani, but the truth was I was exhausted miles before the end of yesterday's ride; I felt nauseated from the exertion a few times, and thought I was getting tunnel vision near the end. I'm going to be 70 at my next birthday, and I may need to start thinking seriously about how much exertion I'm able to put myself through safely... and balancing that with not becoming a mere couch potato, unwilling to challenge myself in any way.

But two of our number DID wear matching F-Bomb socks on that one:

 I'd scheduled one of my regular Sunday rides for today, and I wasn't sure when I went to bed that I'd be able to do it. But I got up today with only some tiredness in my legs, and decided to do the ride. We started with thirteen.

I gotta remember to clean off my camera lens.

It was over one of my usual routes, with a stop at that Sweet Gourmet, that's open again on Sundays (apparently, they just don't make enough on summer Sundays to stay open). As usual with my rides, some went off the front and waited at the stops and turns, others went at a slower pace. A new woman came along, and the ride was maybe a bit more than she was ready for, but a few of the riders made sure she had company and was safe, and she did make it back at the end... whereupon she was deluged with suggestions about technique and particular leaders, and every other thing, and also buried in invitations to join the club when it became clear she wasn't yet a member. It was fun hearing from all the other riders, and I only hope we didn't scare her off.

It was a good day, better than the one before.

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