Saturday, July 27, 2024

wait... how fast?


Friend Martin G got that picture of me. What do youse think?

So friend and fellow club member Tom H listed a ride for today that was gonna be flat. I knew some friends would go, so I didn't really pay attention to much else about it, and didn't notice that the distance (just shy of 60 miles) was longer than I've ridden in many months. By the time I caught on, I figured I could do it; I might not be able to keep up with the group, but I'd have the route in my GPS device, so I'd be able to get back on my own if I needed to.

We started in Mansfield Park in Columbus. 

Three or four baseball fields were full with women's teams playing softball, and I saw license plates from out of state. 

Tom was a bit late, so some of us improved upon the time.

Ricky's bike is much more purple than any of my pictures ever capture.

And Laura's Kermit has some excellent features as well.

(I've recently joined a photo club, and I may want to process some of those into something.)

Off we went. From Columbus, we went by the McGuire Air Force Base, and then the Brendan Byrne State forest, where we made a brief stop.

Now, I noticed that my average early on was pretty low... but then the pace picked up, and stayed up. By the time we got to the stop at Nixon's, my Garmin showed an average of 16.7mph.

I love the "Downtown Tabernacle New Jersey" on the door. As far as I can figure, Downtown Tabernacle consists of Nixon's, a frightening dive bar, and the cemetery.

I resolved to go slower on the way back, but I didn't keep to my resolution until the last few miles, and on the ride page, I ended up with an average, for just under 60 miles, of 16.4mph.

Yeah, I don't believe it either.

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