Tuesday, June 4, 2024

actin' like a retired guy

 It's a shame those folks don't look like they're havin' any fun, right?

The club has a group of (mostly older and retired) riders who go out Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays when the weather allows. The Excellent Wife (TEW) has been most disappointed that I haven't been riding with 'em (I think she wants the vicarious experience), but between going back to work, volunteering, moving, and other requirements, I haven't been able to. 

Now, much of that stuff is out of the way (I still volunteer on Fridays, but that may change), and I got a chance to go on Linda H's ride yesterday. 

(Not all those folks went out with Linda; there was another ride, as well.)

It was another great day, and a good ride. One rider did go down, but showed no damage to himself, and wrenched the bike around until it was in rideable condition again (but the groaning of the bike was painful to hear!).

Club members will note that both Mike G and Ralph S-J are in the pictures. They've each had mishaps in the past year, and it's good to see them out again.

And while the faster folks had higher numbers, I rode in the back, and am not at all concerned about my performance; you can see on the ride page.

Retirement is good. I gotta do more of these.

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